Friday, June 4, 2021

Sociological Analysis of the NBC Telecast of Super Bowl 52 DownLoad --Super Bowl 52의 NBC 방송의 사회 학적 분석-- Super Bowl 52의 NBC 방송을 면밀히 살펴보면 대중 매개 대중 문화가 사회를 유지하고 재생산하는 역할을 더 잘 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다

 Sociological Analysis of the NBC Telecast of Super Bowl 52 DownLoad


Sociological Analysis of the NBC Telecast of Super Bowl 52

A closer look at the NBC telecast of Super Bowl 52 will help better understand the roles played by mass-mediated popular culture in maintaining and reproducing society.

1. Introduction
2. Functionalist Approach
3. The Critical Approach
For over two decades, since 1967 when the first ever Super Bowl was held in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL) was a modest athletic affair, all about the American football game. The halftime show was just another break to fill time, featuring college marching band. Fans in the stands and TV viewers at home used this halftime as an excuse to go to the bathroom or to get more beer and snack. Super Bowl ads didn’t attract many viewers either, because they were just replays of the existing TV commercials.
However, as American society has evolved, the Super Bowl has also evolved over its 50-year history. Starting from the 1990s, the halftime show began to feature pop music acts by bigger-named bands or musicians like New Kids on the Block, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, etc. Since then, the half time show has become a tradition in its own right, playing a key role in maintaining the enduring popularity of the Super Bowl. Moreover, Super Bowl ads have also made a dramatic change. It was the Apple’s iconic 1984 commercial that made the Super Bowl much more famous. From that day forth, corporations started to create innovative advertisements specifically for the Super Bowl. Thus, alongside the spectacular halftime show and entertaining ads, the Super Bowl of today has become popular culture that stays at the front lines of American culture.
As unrivaled pop culture that is distinctly American, the Super Bowl has a sustained and tremendous impact on society. That is why the sociological significance of the event should be examined. The sociology in the Super Bowl can be analyzed by two main theoretical approaches: the functionalist approach and the critical approach. A closer look at the NBC telecast of Super Bowl 52 will help better understand the roles played by mass-mediated popular culture in maintaining and reproducing society.

자료출처 :


문서분량 : 9 Page
파일종류 : DOCX 파일
자료제목 : Sociological Analysis of the NBC Telecast of Super Bowl 52
파일이름 : Sociological Analysis of the NBC Telecast of Super Bowl 52.docx
키워드 : sociological,analysis,NBC,Telecast,Super,Bowl,Sociological,Analysis,of,the
자료No(pk) : 21060222


Super Bowl 52의 NBC 방송의 사회 학적 분석--

Super Bowl 52의 NBC 방송을 면밀히 살펴보면 대중 매개 대중 문화가 사회를 유지하고 재생산하는 역할을 더 잘 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

1967 년 로스 앤젤레스 메모리얼 콜리 세움에서 최초의 슈퍼 볼이 열렸던 이래 20 년이 넘도록 NFL (National Football League)의 연례 챔피언십 게임은 겸손한 운동이었습니다. 미국 축구 경기에 관한 모든 것. 하프 타임 쇼는 대학 마칭 밴드가 등장하는 시간을 채우기위한 또 다른 휴식이었습니다. 스탠드에있는 팬들과 집에있는 TV 시청자들은이 하프 타임을 화장실에 가거나 더 많은 맥주와 간식을 사러가는 핑계로 삼았습니다. 슈퍼 볼 광고는 기존 TV 광고의 리플레이 였기 때문에 많은 시청자를 끌어 들이지 못했습니다.
그러나 미국 사회가 진화함에 따라 슈퍼 볼도 50 년의 역사를 통해 진화했습니다. 1990 년대부터 하프 타임 쇼는 New Kids on the Block, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake 등과 같은 유명 밴드 나 뮤지션의 팝 음악 공연을 선 보이기 시작했습니다. 그 이후로 하프 타임 쇼는 그 자체로 전통이되었습니다. 맞아, Super B의 지속적인 인기를 유지하는데 핵심 역할… (생략)

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