Saturday, July 6, 2024

"I want the perpetrators to realize" New DUI Penalty Act passed in U.S. last month-- Last month, a new DUI punishment law was passed in Tennessee. The perpetrator who caused the death should pay child support to the victim's children


"I want the perpetrators to realize" New DUI Penalty Act passed in U.S. last month--

Last month, a new DUI punishment law was passed in Tennessee. The perpetrator who caused the death should pay child support to the victim's children, which was created by a grandmother who lost her son's family to drink and drive around the country.

********** < National institutions should refer to foreign cases for mental health improvement and improve the system/law enactment so that all citizens can receive counseling on a regular basis in connection with mental health specialized organizations such as mental health medicine/psychology.

When people visit mental health departments/mental health professional organizations and participate in counseling and actual training programs and receive training, they should give them a certain score and give them some benefits according to the score. People will be interested in mental health (alcoholic dementia/alcoholic dependence/alcoholism, etc., anger control disorder, hwareness, schizophrenia, schizophrenia, sexism, depression, etc.) and can control/control their minds (self-esteem), which can be a way to solve social stability and personal stability at the same time. (For example, we can also study how to create a system that allows each person to participate in counseling/training programs once or twice a year at their convenience.).

You can consider how to benefit - various certificates/civil service examinations, additional points for receiving various licenses/permissions (building permits, businesses, businesses, factory operations, driver's licenses, etc.).

And mental health issues will have to be compulsory for secondary/high/college curriculum, mental health professionals being placed in middle/high school/university, or training in lectures and actual training programs at least once a month. >********


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